Thursday, October 31, 2019

Data mining Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Data mining - Research Paper Example One of the notable differences that is there between data mining and databases is the fact that in databases, stored facts are retrieved from the data store while in data mining; patterns are analyzed so that new patterns that have been previously unknown can be got. Data mining is done using data that have been stored, otherwise known as static data, while database use data which are n operation and which are updated regularly. Data mining use data which have been got at a given instance. One thing that is worth noting is that data mining has its origins in statistics rather than computer science. Although many concepts are derived from computer science, it has been argued that it shows many characteristics and has been from statistics and also has been derived from statistical urge to derive patterns which have been unknown in the past. Data mining components Data mining entails storing and managing data in a multi-dimensional database. A multi-dimensional database is perfected for use in data warehouse. It is also useful in online analytical processing (OLAP). An OLAP is a solution for giving businesses superior techniques for visualizing business metrics from different points of view. Data must be organized in a way that will allow for optimized inquiry into the data. Data mining is the process of sorting through a collection of data for the purpose of identifying patterns and using the patterns to establish relationships. With competition going tighter, organizations are becoming more sensitive to how they handle the patterns they get from the behavior of their clients. These patterns can be used for the benefit of an organization. Many of the decision making process today are based on pattern that is got from the data (Han, Kamber, Pei, 2011). For effective data mining, data must be stored, organized and managed using the latest tools. This will allow users to ask leading questions that will aid in making decisions. In managing data in a multidimensional environment, the intention is to b able to process data very quickly and get answers using the shortest time possible. This is the main gist of data mining. With this, it is possible to get facts that will lead to better decision-making. The speed is achieved by organizing data into data cubes; this shows the dimensions that are available to the user. The data will have various attributes that are associated with it. The attributes are created depending on the requirements that are required of the data. In data mining, it is important to get some pattern from the information that has been gathered (Han, Kamber, Pei, 2011). Data management is the process where important information is organized in such a way that it is easy to get some rule and convention that is happening. Forms of data mining There are many forms of data mining. Two popular forms of data mining are class description and class discrimination. The former, class description, entails features that expose some hidden ch aracteristics in a given collection of data. An example is that there could be a need to find out the patterns and the characteristics of people who buy low-end vehicles. There could be some characteristics of these people from the other people who buy expensive vehicles. On the other hand, class discrimination entails looking for features that separates two sets of objects. One example that can be given to show this is the characteristi

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Marketing information system (MIS) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Marketing information system (MIS) - Essay Example Putting into consideration factors such as market trends, changes and needs occurring in a market, and how the rival businesses conduct their activities is what a good marketer needs to do before venturing into a business (Michael, 2012 p. 67). The components of a Marketing Information System such as marketing research, internal records and marketing intelligence are most crucial when trying to obtain information on marketing (Esad, 2013 p. 35). However, to understand the role information systems play, what managers do must be examined as well as what kind of information they require to make decisions. How decisions are made as well as the decision problems that be solved by information systems must also be understood. This paper stands to examine the role Marketing Information Systems play in assisting managers with their marketing endeavors. Marketing managers have roles such as organizing, planning, deciding, controlling and coordinating. Any information has to be built with the role of a marketing manager in mind if it is to serve him/her well. Recently, there has been stressing on the aspects of behavior in management decision making (Jules, 2013 p. 35). On this, marketing managers are supposed to be highly voluminous in their jobs, work at high speeds, they should be diverse, or able to offer variety, they should also be specific, highly interactive and able to use verbal communication. Researchers suggest that a manager’s day has many tasks, but very little time assigned to each. Marketing managers prefer being speculative and gossiping in brief. This helps them keep up to date with up-to-date information. Routine and historical information, usually receives less attention. Even from researchers, marketing managers are found to prefer verbal communication in comparison to written information. Verbal communication has been found to offer more

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Cultural Barriers in International Marketing

Cultural Barriers in International Marketing The research area of this proposal is focused on the broad area of international marketing. More specifically, the focal point of the research will be the sociocultural environment and how this has an impact on a multinational company whose ambition is to enter a new market (Hollensen, 2007). As indicated by Doole and Lowe (2008), the sociocultural factor affects the consumer and buyer behaviour, making the development of international marketing strategies inevitable. In addition, this researchs centre of attention will be the elements of culture which is a popular method of discovering cultures (Albaum Duerr, 2008). Furthermore, the layers of culture will be presented from two different perspectives as well as the relation of culture with consumer behaviour. Finally, an attempt to examine the Japanese culture will be made by reviewing the high- and low-context concept (Hall, 1960 cited in Nguyen et al., 2007: 207), and some additional models introduced by key authors. 3.3 Background Primarily, understanding ones culture before entering his market has a dual aspect. On one hand, the effectiveness of the established marketing strategies and its implementation by locals could be verified (Czinkota Ronkainen, 2007), and on the other hand you familiarise with your own culture (Yamada, 1997: xvi). Furthermore, Japan is one of the most culturally homogenous countries in the world (Engel Murakami, 2001: 21), citizens of which consider their heritage valuable and indispensable (Keillor Hult, 1999). Consequently, this creates trade barriers for the multinational companies (Albaum Duerr, 2008) whose intention is to enter the Japanese market. These barriers can be eliminated by understanding the Japanese values and expectations (Engel Murakami, 2001: 20). Moreover, the ability of overcoming these barriers and cultivate relations with the target market is the fundamental stepping stone for an effective marketing strategy (Ford, 1984 cited in Lohtia et al., 2009). In order to achieve that, companies should be culturally sensitive, in other words they should acknowledge the dissimilarities between domestic and international markets and handle them effectively (Holzmuller Stottinger, 2001; LaBahn Harich, 1997; Rice ODonohue, 2002 cited in Lohtia et al., 2009: 241). However, it is difficult to achieve cultural sensitivity to Japan (Hall, 1987 cited in Lohtia et al., 2009:242), and companies that will achieve it will gain the appreciation of the Japanese consumers (Lohtia et al., 2009). 3.4 Conclusion Initially, Craig and Douglas (2006: 338) confirm that due to globalisation and the rapid change of cultures, a deeper understanding of culture is necessary. Moreover, Steenkamp (2001: 41) verifies that culture is a complex phenomenon and that many dimensions are required to be developed, so that marketers can distinguish effectively one culture from another, and thus establish the appropriate marketing strategy. In the dissertation, the researcher will try to uncover as many dimensions that capture culture as possible, focusing on the Japanese culture, hence identifying the cultural barriers. Japan was chosen as it is a high context country (Hall, 1987 cited in Lohtia et al., 2009), and subsequently the higher the context of a culture, the more effort will be needed from a company to adjust its strategy to that culture (Hollensen, 2007: 221). Literature Review 4.1 Introduction The aim of this literature review is to present definitions of international marketing that are related with Japans sociocultural environment. Additionally, a synthesis of the existing literature was conducted in order to provide a thorough description of the elements and the layers of culture, the available models that examine cultures and their implications for consumer behaviour. Moreover, the data collection was achieved by using the universitys library and ebrary database. The keywords international marketing resulted in 543 and 18.719 hits of secondary data respectively, and lastly 9 books were used. Finally, the e-library was used to obtain academic journals in order to inject scientific ideas in the research. The search engine showed 66798 results of which only 240 were available. Eventually, 10 articles were selected to be used, mainly coming from Emeralds and ScienceDirects databases. 4.2 Definitions and concepts To start with, before attempting to define culture, international marketing should be introduced. There seems to be a consensus regarding the definition of international marketing. More specifically, Doole and Lowe (2008: 6) as well as Ghauri and Cateora (2005: 8) defined it as the procedure that a companys goods and services are targeted in customers of more than one country, which seeks the maximisation of its profit. Additionally, Ghauri and Cateora (2005: 8) raised the difference between international and domestic marketing, where the latter focuses only in one nation. Furthermore, Doole and Lowe (2008: 7), and Hooley et al. (2008: 61) used the SLEPT model to identify the environmental impacts on international marketing. These are: Social/Cultural, Legal, Economic, Political and finally Technological. This proposal will focus only on the Sociocultural influences. Moreover, 160 definitions for culture have been recorded (Czinkota Ronkainen, 2007), proving the significance of the role that culture plays in marketers strategy (Ghauri Cateora, 2005). Firstly, the etic approach of culture, which focuses on the contrast between two cultures (Luna Gupta, 2001: 46) was identified by Hofstede (1997) as the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one human group from another (Hollensen, 2007: 216; Luna Gupta, 2001: 46). In contrast, the emic approach of culture was proposed by McCracken (1988: 73) cited in Luna and Gupta (2001: 46). He defined culture as the lens through which all phenomena are seen. It determines how these phenomena are apprehended and assimilated. Second, culture is the blueprint of human activity. It determines the coordinates of social action and productive activity, specifying the behaviours and objects that issue from both. The objective of the emic approach is to achieve a thorough comprehension of the study of culture (Luna Gupta, 2001). 4.3 The elements of culture Primarily, culture was divided into different elements to direct marketers to a deeper examination of the cultural differences between international markets (Ghauri Cateora 2005: 82). More detailed, Ghauri and Cateora (2005: 83) identified six elements of culture: Material culture, Social institutions, Aesthetics, Belief system, Education and Language. Furthermore, Albaum and Duerr (2008: 122), and Doole and Lowe (2008: 74) added Technology with Material culture, as well as Law and Politics, with the former omitting Aesthetics. Hollensen (2007: 225) included Technology to Material culture, added Manners and customs, and omitted Law and Politics. Finally, Czinkota and Ronkainen (2007:57) added Manners and Customs, and omitted Law and Politics. It is worth mentioning that all the elements will be examined thoroughly in the dissertation from the perspective of Japan. 4.4 The layers of culture The layers of culture can be a great opportunity for multinational companies to familiarise themselves with the behaviour (Hollensen, 2007), attitudes and values (Doole and Lowe, 2008) of people with different cultural backgrounds they hire (Hollensen, 2007). On one hand, Hollensen (2007: 219) indicates four layers of culture: national culture, business/ industry culture, company culture and finally individual behaviour, with each layer affecting the next one. On the other hand, a different approach was presented by Doole and Lowe (2008: 73). They portrayed the layers of culture in a national, a regional/ ethnic/ religious/ linguistic, a gender, a generation and finally a social class level. In a nutshell, companies should familiarise themselves with the characteristics of the Japanese employees, as they hardly ever quit their jobs and they are astoundingly bonded with them so as to receive a flourishing career (Engel Murakami, 2001: 29). 4.5 Culture and consumer behaviour Consumer behaviour regarding a product or a message is affected by different components of culture (Doole Lowe, 2008). Jeannet and Hennessey (2004) cited in Doole and Lowe (2008: 80) presented the procedure that consumer behaviour is affected by culture. In contrast, Hofstede (1997) cited in Luna and Gupta (2001, 47) argues that consumer behaviour is influenced by four manifestations which are: values, heroes, symbols, and rituals. Moreover, Craig and Douglas (2006) stated that customs and rituals play a significant role for Japan, in maintaining well-balanced relations among its citizens. However, Usunier (1996) cited in Holden (2004: 567), partly agrees with Hofstedes view, since he believes that consumer behaviour, which consists of consumers values, attitudes and decision making, is affected by cultural dissimilarities. Lastly, Doole and Lowe (2008: 80) identified four ideas that marketers should reflect on when using Western ideas to comprehend the foreign consumer behaviour. 4.6 Cultural analysis 4.6.1 High- and low-context cultures The model of high- and low-context cultures was defined by Edward T. Hall (1960a) as a way of understanding different cultural orientation (Hollensen, 2007: 220). As indicated by Hall (1976) cited in Nguyen et al. (2007: 207), in low-context cultures the message itself is of great importance. On the other hand, in high-context cultures, people tend to elaborate on the message to gain a deeper understanding of it (Hollensen, 2007: 220; Doole Lowe, 2008: 86). As argued by Hollensen (2007), the Japanese have the highest context culture, while the Swiss have the lowest. 4.6.2 Hofstedes model To begin with, Hofstedes dimensions should be taken into consideration when marketers construct their marketing strategy (Hollensen, 2007: 228). Ghauri and Cateora (2005), as well as Hollensen (2007) mention four dimensions of culture; distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism and masculinity, while Hofstede adds long-term orientation (Hofstede, 2009). The importance of these results is due to cultural dimensions illustrating the traits of a country (Rivera-Vazquez et al., 2009). Consequently, the results for Japan are intended to be used for the dissertation. Lastly, strengths and weaknesses of this model were introduced by Hollensen (2007: 229). 4.6.3 Schwartzs model An alternative framework was created by Schwartz (1994) cited in Steenkamp (2001). He mentions three dimensions through which he will provide answers to his societal topics: conservatism versus autonomy, hierarchy versus egalitarianism and labelled mastery or labelled harmony (Steenkamp, 2001: 32). 4.6.4 Alternative models Primarily, Keegan (2004: 14) supports that the focus on marketing changes and that concepts need updating regularly. Based on this idea, Holden (2004: 570) disapproves the reliance on Hofstedes model, while suggesting an approach to culture from a different perspective. Finally, an alternative model for approaching Asian cultures was introduced by Fang (1999), cited in Fletcher and Flang (2006: 438). 4.7 Conclusion Primarily, although there is a large amount of literature concerning international marketing and culture, there seems to be some disagreements between authors, as well as some omissions by others. For instance, Hollensen (2007) supports that it is inevitable to examine cultures without referring to Hofstedes cultural dimensions. On the other hand, Holden (2004) criticises the validity of Hofstedes model. As a result, the researcher will try to compare and contrast the models that have been developed for gaining knowledge of the differences amongst cultures. Methodology 5.1 Introduction The approach that was developed in order to accomplish the objectives was based on desk research. More specifically, the researcher utilised existing written material such as books, e-books, and some scientific journals (Gummesson, 2000: 35). Finally, the World Wide Web (Internet) will be used to obtain the empirical results regarding the cultural dimensions of Japan suggested by the key author Hofstede. The qualitative research method is going to be used. Primarily, the researcher uses secondary analysis which is a qualitative method (Bryman Bell, 2007: 326). Secondly the thesis of other writers will be introduced, instead of the researchers own opinion (Bryman Bell, 2007: 425). Additionally, of great importance should be the fact that the use of mixed methods -both qualitative and quantitative- was avoided because these methods are two different paradigms (Bryman Bell, 2007: 642). Finally, concerning the relationship between theory and research (Bryman Bell, 2007: 11), the inductive theory (Bryman Bell, 2007) was used. Although Fisher (2007: 322) argues that a combination of inductive and deductive method can be employed, only the inductive method was used for this proposal. This can be justified by the fact that the researcher moves from observations, which is the aim of the proposal, to the general which is the theory (Bryman Bell, 2007: 14). 5.2 Desk Research To start with, the only method that was used in order to obtain data for this proposal was desk research. Although Gummesson (2000: 34) argues that knowledge coming from secondary sources is limited, Bryman and Bell (2007: 328) believe that secondary analysis provides the researcher with high quality data. Additionally, it is more cost-effective in a way that secondary data are easier to interpret than primary (Bryman Bell, 2007: 333). Moreover, part of the secondary data collected came from scientific journals. The researcher focused on journals that were related to culture and cultural barriers. The journals that were used came from: The International Marketing Review The Journal of Product Brand Management The European Journal of Marketing The International Business Review The Journal of Knowledge Management Finally, text books were used in an attempt to achieve a deeper understanding of the theory related to international marketing and culture. Some of those used are: International Marketing Strategy by Isobel Doole and Robin Lowe International Marketing by Ghauri and Cateora Global Marketing by Svend Hollensen Passport to Japan by Engel and Murakami 5.3 Alternative Methods Ideally, the researcher could have used alternative methods to complement the validity of material found (Gummesson, 2000: 35). These methods could be: case studies, questionnaires and qualitative interviews (Gummesson, 2000: 35). Primarily, the researcher could have used existing case studies in this proposal to support the data found from existing theory (Bryman Bell, 2007). Unfortunately, word limit prevented him from including material found, as more theoretical findings were included to help readers gain basic knowledge on international marketing and culture. However, it is unquestionably that in the dissertation the researcher will use existing case studies. Finally, the researcher could conduct a case study by approaching a multinational company which maintains its operations in Japan. More specifically, the use of questionnaires or qualitative interviews would have helped the researcher gain an insider perspective (Bryman Bell, 2007: 443) of the marketing strategy that a company deploys in Japan. Unfortunately, the difficulty of approaching a company and accessing its confidential data prevented the researcher from implementing it. However, it is worth mentioning that the researcher has not had the chance to meet his supervisor. Consequently, the research methods could possibly change with the intention of writing a high-quality masters dissertation. Ethical issues There are no ethical issues concerning this proposal since only desk research was conducted. To be more specific, there was no distortion of data and every secondary source has been acknowledged by in-text references and a reference list, adhering to the rules of Aston Business School on plagiarism. Last but not least, copyrights of published books, articles and journals were respected. Task List Tasks Problems Solutions Search and obtain existing literature on theory and concepts of culture in books and e-books Limited searching skills, due to restricted previous experience Received advice from professors as well as from library staff on effective research techniques Search and obtain existing literature from scientific journals Not all journal articles are available in full text in the Aston e-library and many of those available were not completely relevant to the topic of the proposal Methodical and detailed research for alternative articles Select the most relevant articles Time consuming Skim and scan the articles found Obtain text books from the Aston library that are related to differences across different cultures Not all books are available in the Aston library Obtained e-books from ebrary of Aston University Obtain results from empirical studies regarding the culture of Japan Not all data is available in text books Access World Wide Web (Internet) to obtain the information needed Write the assignment Limited previous experience Guidance on the structure of the assignment via lecture notes and slides Conduct an effective literature review Limited previous experience Guidance provided through lecture notes and slides Combine information provided from different books, producing a uniform text Large amount of information from secondary data sources available Skim and scan all secondary data sources to combine all information provided and highlight any omissions observed in the literature Use case studies of different multinational companies that examine similar problems Word limit Not covered by the proposal but will be covered in the dissertation Proof-read and edit the assignment before submission Possible mistakes or omissions Thorough reading and correction of mistakes

Friday, October 25, 2019

Alzheimers Disease Essay -- Alzheimers Disease Essays

Alzheimer's Disease Alzheimer ¡Ã‚ ¦s disease is a slow, progressive, and degenerative disease of the brain. This disease is marked by a gradual loss of memory and other cognitive functions. "Alzheimer's Disease is also known as the most common cause of dementia--a general term referring to the loss of memory and the ability to think, reason, function, and behave properly" (Medina,1999). It primarily affects adults in their 60's or older and eventually destroys a person's ability to perform simple, routine tasks or even to care for themselves. Statistics show that "as many as 10 percent of all people 65 years of age and older have Alzheimer's," and that approximately "50 percent of all people 85 or older also have the disease" (WebMD, n.d.). Originally it was thought to be a rare condition affecting only young people, and was referred to as pre-senile dementia. Today late-onset Alzheimer ¡Ã‚ ¦s disease is recognized as the most common cause of the loss of mental function in those aged 65 and over. "Alzheimer ¡Ã‚ ¦s in people in their 30s, 40s, and 50s, called early-onset Alzheimer ¡Ã‚ ¦s disease, occurs much less frequently, accounting for less than 10 percent of the estimated 4 million Alzheimer ¡Ã‚ ¦s cases in the United States" (Encarta, 2004). Alzheimer's disease advances in stages, progressing from mild absentmindedness and cognitive impairment to widespread loss of mental abilities. In advanced Alzheimer's, people become dependent on others for every aspect of their care. The most common cause of death among Alzheimer's patients is infection. Even though scientists are still learning about Alzheimer ¡Ã‚ ¦s, there is no cure. Alzheimer's disease is named after Dr. Alois Alzheimer, a German doctor. "In 1906, Dr. Alzheimer noticed changes in the brain tissue of a woman who had died of an unusual mental illness. He found abnormal clumps (now called amyliod plaques) and tangled bundles of fibers (now called neurofibrillary tangles) within the brain"(ADEAR, 2004). Scientists have found that tangles and plaques cause the neurons in the brains of Alzheimer ¡Ã‚ ¦s patients to shrink and eventually die. They start in the memory and language centers and finally invade throughout the brain. &qu... ... former president Ronald Reagan was diagnosed with disease, it has been a major news headline ever since. There are thousands of organizations and webpage ¡Ã‚ ¦s on the internet that are filled with valuable information helping the public be aware of this disease, what the signs are, and where to go for help. With our baby-boomers aging, the disease is sure to emerge more in the next couple of years. Alzheimer ¡Ã‚ ¦s disease has touched many people since its discovery by Alois Alzheimer. Its effects on the brain cause its victims to lose some, if not most of their memory. This causes the patient to forget things such as who and where they are, who their relatives are, how to get home, or even when or how to eat. It is a personal tragedy for the patient as well as for those whom love and bear the burden of caring for them. Alzheimer ¡Ã‚ ¦s disease is a slow, progressive disease with no known cure. The treatment for Alzheimer's is still in the early stages but there are many drug treatments available which help slow its progression, and help with cognitive functions. As our population ages, Alzheimer ¡Ã‚ ¦s is only a tragedy that will affect more and more people.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

My Decision to Pursue an MBA Degree

The decision to pursue a master’s degree these days is highly important due to the professionally competitive environment that we live in. Everyone has a bachelor’s degree but an MBA is a way to stay ahead from the rest, it sets you on a higher level. I chose to purse my MBA in order to further my career and have better opportunities. According to the â€Å"What’s my Jungian 16-type Personality? † assessment I have a possible career future as a manager, management trainer, stockbroker, lawyer, chemical engineer, police officer. I currently have a manager’s position inside a family owned company where there aren’t any more professional growth opportunities. In order for me to remain competitive in a very competitive job market I decide to pursue an MBA in Business Management without discarding the option of also including and MBA in Project Management as well. While searching for new jobs I have discovered that there are many positions for project managers. Some of the qualities mentioned in these job postings are that the person has to be visionary, responsible, have leadership qualities, organized, and so on. According to the results of the â€Å"What’s my Jungian 16-type Personality? † assessment I am outgoing, visionary, argumentative, have a low intolerance for incompetence, and often seen as a natural leader; so I believe I have what it takes to be a great project manager. Professional growth and/or advancement opportunities are a very important part of my decision to pursue an MBA. I was feeling stuck and unable to move forward with my career goals, but I believe that with a higher level of education I can achieve those goals. Fresh out of college I thought I had my life planned out but it was all based on me having an awesome job in a place I liked and doing what I like and what I know I’m good at. But that didn’t work out so well. So I found myself stuck at my part time job which was supposed to be only a temporary thing while I was in college. I don’t want to be one of those people who look back on their life and wonder where the time went and why didn’t they do something to change it. Although sometimes I feel frustrated and that I’m getting nowhere, I know I’m doing the right thing and I just need to hang in there. While it took me some time to actually get up and do something about it, here I am, ready to take on this MBA and land that job I am looking for.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Interrupt and a Trap in an Operating System Essay

What are the differences between an interrupt and a trap? What are their importance? According to Stallings (2012) an interrupt is â€Å"a suspension of a process, such as the execution of a computer program, caused by an event external to that process and performed in such a way that the process can be resumed† (p. 716). Stallings (2012) goes on to say that â€Å"interrupts are provided primarily as a way to improve processor utilization. For example, most I/O devices are much slower than the processor† (p. 14). â€Å"A trap is an unprogrammed conditional jump to a specified address that is automatically activated by hardware; the location from which the jump was made is recorded† (Stallings, 2012, p. 721). A trap is actually a software generated interrupt caused either by an error (for example division by zero, invalid memory access etc.), or by a specific request by an operating system service generated by a user program. Trap is sometimes called Exception. The hardware or software can generate these interrupts. When the interrupt or trap occurs, the hardware transfers control to the operating system which first preserves the current state of the system by saving the current CPU registers content and program counter’s value. Then the focus shifts to the determination of which type of interrupt has occurred. For each type of interrupt, separate segments of code in the operating system determine what action should be taken and thus the system keeps on functioning by executing computational instruction, I/O instruction, storage instruction etc. Provide an example of each. Example of an Interrupt retrieved from // AVR_ISR_1 #include #include typedef uint8_t u8; // convenient unsigned variable designations typedef uint16_t u16; #define INPORT PIND #define OUTPORT PORTC #define OUTDDR DDRC volatile u8 Int_flag = 0; ISR( INT0_vect ) { OUTPORT ^= 0x01; // toggle LED } void int0_init( void ) { MCUCR = (1